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Messages : 4236
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2017
Age : 51
Localisation : 92

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Sam 11 Jan 2020, 16:30
Bonjour à tous

je poste ici (j'espère que c'est bon endroit sinon, modos peuvent déplacer merci) un questionnement concernant les fameuses étiquettes des touffes Simpsons.

Je me pose la question car finalement j'ai maintenant 2 Rover LE WCS 2012 et chacun a une boite grise  identique, une touffe qui semble identique (a priori 3 bandes) mais l'un est "Made in England Sterilized" , l'autre "Hand Made Great Britain".

Le Duke 3 Best faux Jade acheté à Popo est "Hand Made Great Britain".
le Colonel X2L acheté à Wico est "Hand Made Great Britain".
Le Chubby 2 acheté neuf il y a peu est aussi "Hand Made Great Britain".

J'ai cherché sur le forum et sur web, mais pas trouvé de détail sur ces étiquettes. Peuvent-elles servir à dater les simpsons? quand ont-elles été changées?
en 2012 on était pas encore au Brexit! donc pas très cohérent les étiquettes différentes pour 2 touffes conçues au même moment... scratch sauf si le droit européen est passé par là à ce moment-là  Laughing

Je connais globalement l'histoire Simpsons avec ses différentes faillites et rachats, déplacements d'usine, mais si un expert peut éclairer ma lanterne sur les étiquettes Simpsons , éventuellement les éléments de datation des blaireaux , ou fournir des  liens pour des articles là-dessus,  merci par avance.

Bon Weekend

Messages : 1793
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2013
Localisation : IDF

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Sam 11 Jan 2020, 17:18
Je n'ai pas la réponse. Par contre ce que je constate sur les miens (achetés en PA):
- Chubby 2 synthé est "Hand Made Great Britain".
- Chubby 2  super badger est "Hand Made Great Britain".
- Rover WCS est est "Made in England Sterilized".

Si tu veux je creuse les dates/périodes estimées d'acquisition par le précédent utilisateur (sûr en 2019 pour le Chubby 2  super badger).
Messages : 4236
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2017
Age : 51
Localisation : 92

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Sam 11 Jan 2020, 19:34
Merci de ton retour.
Il y a dû avoir bascule en 2011-2012.
Ne t'embête pas à rechercher les dates d'achats...
Je vais pousser mes recherches en langue anglaise sur le web mais je pense que je vais finir par envoyer un mail chez Simpsons directement. Ils doivent savoir, eux. Laughing

Bonne soirée

Grand Maître
Grand Maître
Messages : 19157
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2012
Age : 56
Localisation : Bruxelles

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Sam 11 Jan 2020, 21:08
Une partie de reponse....

Depends how old. Made in GB is a more recent label because prior to that the stickers wrongly said 'Made in England' when they were not...they were made on the Isle on man, which is not part of England.

In January 2013, a thread appeared on a forum where Simpson are not permitted to comment.

In the same month and year, a total of ONE complaint was received by the ASA (Advertising Standards Association).

The case was informally resolved without need for formal investigation.

The issue was in regards to the sticker on Simpson brushes.

Simpson brushes, for a number of years now, are made on the Isle of Man.

As best as I understand, the Isle of Man is a self governing crown dependancy of the United Kingdom, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. It's foreign relations, defence and ultimately good governance are the responsibility of the British Government. It is not a member of the Commonwealth of Nations (like my more geographically removed home, Australia) or save for a limited extent, part of the European Union. The political definition of Great Britain refers to England, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Wight, Anglesey, the Isles of Scilly, Hebrides and the island groups of Orkney and Shetland (but not the Isle of Man). Technically, the Isle of Man is a possession of the crown (not the United Kingdom). It was never conquered, instead its feudal rights were purchased by the crown. Legislation of the Isle of man defines the "Crown in right of the Isle of Man" as being separate from the "Crown in right of the United Kingdom," despite the fact that Queen Elizabeth II holds the title Lord of Mann . Geographically, the United Kingdom, does not include Crown dependancies, but the British Isles does include the Isle of Man. Great Britain is the official collective name of England, Scotland and Wales and their associated islands (it does not include Northern Island and therefore is not interchangeable with the United Kingdom).

Mark was contacted via PM (by a member) and responded:

Well, the simplest answer I can give you is this ...

We are using old stock stickers on the brushes.

We are due to launch a new website later this year which will incorporate the history of the brand, heritage associated with it, archive photographs, short videos of Simpson hand made manufacturing techniques, full brush dimensions & specs, links, press ... etc etc.

As part of this process we have been looking at the company livery, primarily focusing on the Simpson sticker. We are proud of our Isle of Man roots here and I would agree that the 'Made in England' moniker is now a bit old hat. We certainly don't direct our marketing efforts on the back of that slogan - in fact our website, invoicing, email etc etc makes clear reference that we are based on the Isle of Man. No effort has ever been made to conceal the fact that our manufacturing facility is located on the Isle of Man, itself a Crown dependancy of the United Kingdom.

We may choose to use a similar sticker still bearing the Simpson name & 'STERILIZED' but incorporating 'Handmade in Great Britain' or something similar. We have our graphic designer working on several mock ups.

I hope this answers the question as succinctly as I can?

Messages : 4236
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2017
Age : 51
Localisation : 92

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Sam 11 Jan 2020, 21:16
merci à toi pour cette information . ça clarifie.
tu as trouvé ça où?

Grand Maître
Grand Maître
Messages : 19157
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2012
Age : 56
Localisation : Bruxelles

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Dim 12 Jan 2020, 08:20
Messages : 4236
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2017
Age : 51
Localisation : 92

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Dim 12 Jan 2020, 09:28
Merci à toi
Messages : 4236
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2017
Age : 51
Localisation : 92

Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

Dim 12 Jan 2020, 16:50
Je n'ai pas eu le temps de tout lire (cours à la pelle à travailler Rolling Eyes )  mais si ce que tu as posté fait partie  de ce post sur Shevenook Sahvenook Simpsons ,  les premières photos Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? 781761 Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? 781761 Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? 781761 Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? 781761
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Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie? Empty Re: Simpsons: étiquette = datation ou anarchie?

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